
FishingPlus is a plugin focused on enhancing gameplay surrounding fishing, an otherwise uneventful activity. It conflates many custom fish of different tiers, an integrated economy, fishing tournaments, quests in the form of making deliveries, and tailored enchantments (“augments”) for fishing rods.

General Commands

This plugin is largely GUI-based. Most commands will open the interface to the respective page.

  • /fish menu - open the menu

  • /fish stats - view your own Fishing stats, including your current level and entropy balance

  • /fish codex - view information on all the custom fish (tiers, biomes, and first catcher)

  • /fish gut - place fish in this menu area to gut them for entropy

  • /fish scales - place fish in this menu area, select a risk level from the right side, then weigh the fish to increase or decrease its value to the Fishing shop. Stacked fish will all be valued the same.

  • /fish shop - sell your custom fish. A particular fish, which changes regularly, will be selling for more (multiplied) than its usual tier value.

  • /fish bag - store away your fish; can be useful for keeping track of fish you need for deliveries

  • /fish deliveries - view and interact with available fishing quests, and earn rewards

  • /fish augments - view augments that can be crafted and their requirements. This can also be accessed from the /fish augment page.

  • /fish augment - apply augments to your fishing rod in this menu. Follow the menu prompts in the interface.

  • /fishingtournaments (/ft) - command menu for fishing tournaments. Use [/ft info] to see time left and leaderboard for a currently running tournament.


Every so often, a FishingPlus tournament will happen. These last 10 minutes and there are four types. The first three ranking players are rewarded specifically, but all participants earn a modest quantity of bonus entropy.

Tournament Types

  • Length: Catch the longest fish. Fish lengths vary randomly and only matter during this tournament.

  • Most Fish: Catch the greatest number of custom fish within the tournament time frame.

  • Lucky Catch: Be the first to catch a Platinum-Tier fish. Quantity doesn’t matter.

  • `Random Catch: Be the first to catch a specifically named custom fish. Quantity doesn’t matter.

Fish and Leveling

There are six tiers of custom fish. You can check which fish belong to each tier, and where the ideal locations are to catch each fish, in the /fish codex.

Catch Stats


Fishing XP granted: 75 Entropy Granted: 45


Fishing XP granted: 150 Entropy Granted: 110


Fishing XP granted: 300 Entropy Granted: 200


Fishing XP granted: 700 Entropy Granted: 350


Fishing XP granted: 1900 Entropy Granted: 1250


Fishing XP granted: 6000 Entropy Granted: 10000

As you catch custom fish, you gain experience towards your fishing level. This level is independent from your other fishing level, and you can check it using /fish stats. Your fishing level affects the augments (custom rod enchants) that you are allowed to craft, your ability to build and upgrade a fishing totem, and how much you can level up your fishing skills.

Fish Skills

Each level you gain with the fishing plugin grants you a Skill Point. You can then spend these Skill Points on improving various aspects of your fishing experience. There are two categories of skills for which you can use your Skill Points: upgradable and one-time. Upgradable skills are those which you continually level up with an increasing expenditure of Skill Points, but also develop diminishing returns the more they’re increased. One-time skill purchases are just that – a set number of Skill Points is consumed in performing a single upgrade, which then improve passively based on your FishingPlus level. At the cost of 50,000 entropy, you can reset all of your skill points and redistribute them.


Better Gutting

Grants more entropy when gutting fish

Does not stack with Precision Cutting augment

Luck of the Catch

Grants more entropy when catching fish

Calculated independently from other catch-based entropy-granting sources

Master Augmenter

Reduces cost to craft augments


Totem Leader

Reduces totem cooldown when catching fish

Does not stack with augments that grant bonus fish such as Hot Spot and Call of the Storm

Divine Judgment

Gives a chance to cause a tsunami, within whose radius fish catching is doubled

Player can only have one tsunami at a time, and other players can also benefit from the tsunami. Does not stack with Hot Spot and similar augments and effects.

Tribal Shout

Grants nearby players within totem radius a percentage of the effects

Does not stack or overlap with totem effects. Your own totem takes precedence over any others you may be within.

Combo Catcher

Increases combo for increased chance to catch more rare fish.

Not catching a fish within 30 seconds resets the combo. Every 20 catches equates roughly to 10 levels of Master Fisherman augment.

Augment Infusion

Causes chance to refund some items from crafting augments

Percentage calculated individually per item used in the crafting recipe. If an item is successfully refunded, 50% of it is returned.

Fish Bag and Deliveries

The /fish bag is simply storage specialized to storing exclusively fish, which can be especially handy when you’re catching a lot of individual custom fish. It can also store normal cod, salmon, pufferfish, and tropical fish, but cannot store other FishingPlus custom items (crab claw, crab scale, squid tentacle, and dolphin tail) or anything non-fish. The bag can be toggled such that fish can be taken from it (as well as your inventory) when you are completing a delivery.

Deliveries /fish deliveries are essentially quests wherein you have to catch certain quantities of certain fish, which you then turn in for some reward. By default, every 180 custom fish you catch will unlock a new delivery unless your deliveries queue is full. To perform a delivery, obtain all of the fish that it specifies in the necessary quantities. Then click on the delivery to start it. This consumes the fish and begins the passive timer. When this timer runs out, you may collect your reward from the deliveries menu, freeing up that delivery spot for your next delivery. There are upgrades that can be applied to your deliveries at the cost of entropy, affecting the number of deliveries you can hold simultaneously, the time it takes to deliver, the number of fish needed for deliveries, and the amount of entropy rewarded upon completion.

Custom items from delivery rewards

  • Crab Lure - 200% increased chance to spawn a crab

  • Platinum Lure - 250% increased chance to catch a platinum fish

  • Mythical Lure - 250% increased chance to catch a mythical fish

  • Entropy Booster - boosts entropy gained from fishing for 30 minutes

  • Entropy Crystal - worth 10,000 entropy when redeemed or extracted

Delivery Upgrades

Upgrades to your delivery capabilities and capacity are made using entropy at the bottom of the deliveries menu. The entropy cost increases with each level.

Max Level

Increase Capacity


Increases total number of available delivery slots



Reduces time to complete deliveries

Expert Deliverer


Reduces number of fish required for normal deliveries

Pay Rise


Grants more entropy for performing deliveries

Lucky Charm


Reduces number of fish required for any delivery. Scales more than Expert Deliverer upgrade

Augments (Custom Enchants)

Augments are FishingPlus’s name for custom enchantments that can be applied to your fishing rod(s). To view the augments available and the requirements to craft them, use /fish augments.

There are currently 12 augments that can be crafted. Each augment becomes available to you to craft at different FishingPlus levels, and has different component ingredients and entropy cost. The same augment type may be applied to the same rod up to a specific number of times to increase the level and effectiveness of the augment. None of the augments are mutually exclusive, meaning you can apply any and all of them to your rod and benefit from all of them.


Hot Spot

Req. Fishing Level: 10 Entropy Cost: 125,000

Max Augment Level: 13

Increased chance for more than one custom fish per catch

Call of the Storm

Req. Fishing Level: 12 Entropy Cost: 40,000

Max Augment Level: 5

Increase catch rate during rain


Req. Fishing Level: 12 Entropy Cost: 35,000

Max Augment Level: 5

Random chances to refill hunger while catching fish


Req. Fishing Level: 12 Entropy Cost: 57,500

Max Augment Level: 10

Grants more fishing XP when catching fish.

Biome Disruption

Req. Fishing Level: 16 Entropy Cost: 60,000

Max Augment Level: 3

Gives a chance to catch fish from other biomes.

Precision Cutting

Req. Fishing Level: 22 Entropy Cost: 70,000

Max Augment Level: 8

Grants more entropy when gutting fish

Crab Bait

Req. Fishing Level: 25 Entropy Cost: 40,000

Max Augment Level: 5

Gives a higher chance to spawn crabs while fishing.


Req. Fishing Level: 25 Entropy Cost: 50,000

Max Augment Level: 10

Grants more fishing XP from catching fish


Req. Fishing Level: 28 Entropy Cost: 75,000

Max Augment Level: 7

Grants more entropy from catching fish


Req. Fishing Level: 35 Entropy Cost: 60,000

Max Augment Level: 6

Increases profit chances from fish scales

Solar Rage

Req. Fishing Level: 35 Entropy Cost: 75,000

Max Augment Level: 5

Gives more money when selling to fish shop

Master Fisherman

Req. Fishing Level: 45 Entropy Cost: 120,000

Max Augment Level: 20

Increases chances to catch higher-tier fish

Custom Drops

FishingPlus introduces four custom items for the purposes of crafting augments. These items appear as occasional rewards in deliveries, but can also be obtained by killing the corresponding mob. The drop rate when killing the mob is affected by Looting on your weapon.

  • Crab Claw and Crab Scale are both obtained by killing crabs, with a 20% chance of dropping. These are a small hostile mob (silverfish) that have a 5% chance to spawn while you are fishing. These are also touted as FishingPlus’s anti-AFK fishing mechanism

  • Dolphin Tails have an 80% chance to drop when killing dolphins

  • Squid Tentacles have a 10% chance to drop when killing squids

Crafting and Applying an Augment

Crafting augments does not use the crafting table as one might anticipate, but rather a cauldron. When crafting an augment, have a fishing rod at the ready. In a cauldron containing water, drop the requisite quantities of each item for an augment into the cauldron, then right click the cauldron with your fishing rod. This consumes the items from the cauldron and drops you the corresponding augment as an item. It also deducts entropy to perform the action. If your fishing level or entropy balance is insufficient, or if the ingredients are not all met, crafting the augment will fail.

Augments, as an item, can be exchanged with other players and sold via other server economical means such as the auction house and chest shops. To apply an augment to your own fishing rod, access the [/fish augment] GUI with the desired augment item and your intended fishing rod in your inventory. Place each in their corresponding slots, and select the affirmative option. If your fishing rod already has the augment, then applying the augment again will increase its level on your rod by one.

Augments can be removed from a rod in [/fish augment] at the cost of 25,000 entropy. This pulls the augments from the rod you’ve placed in the menu and returns them to your inventory.

Fishing Totems

A fishing totem is a physical structure which you can build to gain additional passive effects while fishing for limited windows of time. Totems require a minimum FishingPlus level of 20 to be activated, and are intended to be a late-game progression.

To build: Vertically stack the items listed below such that the shape matches the image. The spruce stairs may be oriented in any direction as long as they are positioned correctly.

  • 1x Daylight Detector

  • 2x Observer

  • 4x Spruce Stairs

  • 1x Orange Glazed Terracotta

  • 1x Green Glazed Terracotta

  • 1x Anvil

To activate: With the enumerated items below in your inventory, right click the lower observer of the totem with a fishing rod.

  • 16x Dolphin Tail

  • 16x Crab Claw

  • 16x Crab Scale

  • 16x Squid Tentacle

  • 6x any Platinum-tier fish

Upgrading Fishing Totem

Three different upgrades can be applied to the totem at the incremental cost of entropy. The cost of the upgrade, in entropy, can be calculated by multiplying a set additional cost with the next upgrade level and adding that to the base cost.


Totem Radius

Base Entropy Cost: 150,000 Level Multiplying Cost: 75,000 Max Level: 5

Increases range of totem’s effects. The bobber does not have to be within the range, but the player must.

Limit: 30 blocks

Active Time

Base Entropy Cost: 125,000 Level Multiplying Cost: 125,000 Max Level: 20

Increases duration of totem effects

Limit: 39 minutes

Cooldown Reduction

Base Entropy Cost: 175,000 Level Multiplying Cost: 125,000 Max Level: 7

Decreases cooldown time for using totem

Limit: 25 minutes

Totem Passives

Totem passives require available passive slots. A player may have up to 15 passive slots when maxed out. Opening a new passive slot requires either 1x Mythical-tier fish or 7x Platinum-tier fish per number of slots, meaning the cost of opening the 15th passive slot would be either 15 Mythical-tier fish or 105 Platinum-tier fish. Unlocking slots does not allow for mixing Platinum and Mythical fish to satisfy the requirements; i.e. at each level, the fish you use to upgrade must all be the same tier.

The totem passives are not the same as upgrades and do not cost entropy, but rather minimum FishingPlus levels and available passive slots. They build upon the other aspects of FishingPlus. Passives take effect whenever the totem is active (so they have no effect during cooldowns).

Minimum Fishing Level
Passive Slots Unlocked

Experienced Fisherman



XP gain multiplier (1.5x) when fishing

Little Critters



Increased chance of crab drops when crab is killed within totem range

Fish Schools



35% better chance for Hot Spot and Call of the Storm to activate

Random Drops



Chance to get squid tentacles or dolphin tails from killing crabs

Treasure Hunter



1% chance to find rare items while fishing

Mythical Waters



20% chance to upgrade a caught fish by one tier

Entropy Hoarder



1.25x entropy multiplier when fishing

Last updated